Psychological Services
Tailor-made and exclusive: CPRD Consulting is on hand at all stages of the psychological assessment process. We provide personalized advice and assistance for all the sectors that we cover – neuropsychology, traffic psychology, Construction and Production, Education, HR and sport psychology – all the way from formulation of the issues to evaluation. Our psychological consultancy services at one glance:
- Assessment issues and criteria
- Selecting the most applicable assessment tool/s
- Use and scoring
- Intervention and training programs
- Evaluation
Areas of Service Rendering
The correlation between our assessments and actual performance exceeds 90 % – this is a result of aligning the assessment tools to the requirement of operations and skill sets. CPRD has set the standard in terms of pioneering work in Africa by introducing the Vienna Test System. We have aligned this internationally used assessment method with the South – African environment and work force.
Construction & Production
Transport: Road
Transport: Rail
Transport: Aviation
Medico-legal assessments
Research Services
To enhance our core service offering, CPRD conducts research in a number of fields such as validity & reliability studies, historical and predictive trends, linking assessments to performance, survey of the workforce in terms of relationship & process dynamics and fatigue.
Please feel free to contact us for more information!